
F# chess tools including PGN

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WinForms UI components

The WinForms related facilities are included in the namespace FSChess.WinForms.

Board Panel

This component is a chess board panel that allows you to make legal moves. The board supports drag and drop.

It keeps track of a Board type and a list of Moves.

There is a simple example of its use - see the sample application ShowBoard.


It provides the following functions:

Function Type Description
SetBoard Brd -> unit Sets the Board to be displayed
Orient bool -> unit Orients the Board depending on whether White
DoMove string -> unit Sets the board given a new move in SAN format

It generates the following events:

Event Type Description
MvMade IEvent Provides the Move made on the board
BdChng IEvent Provides the new Board after a change

Pgn Game Panel

This component is a panel holding the moves of a game in PGN format.

It keeps track of a Game including headers, moves and comments.

There is a simple example of its use - see the sample application ShowPgn.


It provides the following functions:

Function Type Description
GetGame unit -> Game Gets the Game that is displayed
SetGame Game -> unit Sets the Game to be displayed
SwitchGame Game -> unit Switches to another game with the same position
NextMove unit -> unit Goes to the next Move in the Game
LastMove unit -> unit Goes to the last Move in the Variation
PrevMove unit -> unit Goes to the previous Move in the Game
FirstMove unit -> unit Goes to the first Move in the Variation
DoMove Move -> unit Make a Move in the Game - may change the Game or just select a Move

It generates the following events:

Event Type Description
BdChng IEvent Provides the new Board after a change
GmChng IEvent Provides the new Game after a change
HdrChng IEvent Provides the new Game after a change to the header

Link for Board and Pgn

I have also produced a slight simplification to usage by providing a function to create both a Board Panel and a Pgn Game Panel.

These are then automatically linked together so that changes in one produce changes in the other. Sample usage:

let bd,pgn = CreateLnkBrdPgn()

There is a simple example of its use - see the sample application ShowLink.

Games Grid

This component is a grid showing a list of games from a PGN file filterd by a position.

It keeps track of a filtered list of Games, the selected Game and the PGN file used.

There is a simple example of its use - see the sample application ShowGames.


It provides the following functions:

Function Type Description
SetBoard Brd -> unit Sets the Board to be filtered on
SetPgn string -> unit Sets the PGN file to be used
SavePgn unit -> unit Saves the PGN file
SaveAsPgn string -> unit Saves the PGN file with a new name
NewGame unit -> unit Creates a new Game
ChangeGame Game -> unit Changes the contents of the Game that is selected
ChangeGameHdr Game -> unit Changes the header of the Game that is selected
DeleteGame unit -> unit Deletes selected Game
ExportFilter string -> unit Export filtered games

It generates the following events:

Event Type Description
FiltChng IEvent<(int * Game * string) list> Provides the revised filtered list of Games
GmSel IEvent Provides the selected Game
PgnChng IEvent Provides the initial Board when the PGN file selected changes

Stats Panel

This component is a panel summarising the Statistics for games from a PGN file for a position.

It keeps track the stats for a position.

There is a simple example of its use - see the sample application ShowStats.


It provides the following functions:

Function Type Description
SetStats BrdStats -> unit Sets the Stats to be displayed
CalcStats (int * Game * string) list -> unit Calculates the Stats to be displayed

It generates the following events:

Event Type Description
MvSel IEvent Provides the selected move in SAN format

Link for All

I have also produced a slight simplification to usage by providing a function to create all Panels.

These are then automatically linked together so that changes in one produce changes in the others. Sample usage:

let bd,pgn,gms,sts = CreateLnkAll()

There is an example of its use - see the sample application PgnEditor.