
F# chess tools including PGN

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Core Chess Functions

Game Result

The following Game Result related functions are provided in the module Result:

Function Type Description
ToStr GameResult -> string Gets the string matching the Game Result
ToUnicode GameResult -> string Gets the unicode string matching the Game Result

Game Date

The following Date related functions are provided in the module GameDate:

Function Type Description
ToStr Game -> string Gets the string which represents the date of the Game


The following Square related functions are provided in the module Square:

Function Type Description
ToFile Square -> File Gets the File for a Square
ToRank Square -> Rank Gets the Rank for a Square
Name Square -> string Gets the Name for a Square


The following Piece related functions are provided in the module Piece:

Function Type Description
ToStr Piece -> string Gets the string symbol for a Piece
ToPlayer Piece -> Player Gets the player for a Piece


The following Board related functions are provided in the module Board:

Function Type Description
FromStr string -> Brd Create a new Board given a FEN string
ToStr Brd -> string Create a FEN string from this Board
Start Brd The starting Board at the beginning of a game
AllMoves Brd -> Move list Gets all legal moves for this Board
PossMoves Brd -> Square -> Move list Gets all possible moves for this Board from the specified Square
Push Move -> Brd -> Brd Make an encoded Move for this Board and return the new Board
PushSAN string -> Brd -> Brd Make a SAN Move such as Nf3 for this Board and return the new Board
IsCheck Brd -> bool Is there a check on the Board
IsCheckMate Brd -> bool Is the current position on the Board checkmate?
IsStaleMate Brd -> bool Is the current position on the Board stalemate?
SquareAttacked Square -> Player -> Brd -> bool Is the Square attacked by the specified Player for this Board
SquareAttackers Square -> Player -> Brd -> bool The Squares that attack the specified Square by the specified Player for this Board
ToPng string -> bool -> Brd -> unit Creates a PNG image ith specified name, flipped if specified for the given Board
Print Brd -> unit Prints an ASCII version of this Board


The following Move related functions are provided in the module Move:

Function Type Description
From Move -> Square Get the source Square for an encoded Move
To Move -> Square Get the target Square for an encoded Move
PromPcTp Move -> PieceType Get the promoted PieceType for an encoded Move
FromSan Brd -> string -> Move Get an encoded move from a SAN string such as Nf3 for this Board
FromUci Brd -> string -> Move Get an encoded move from a UCI string such as g1f3 for this Board
ToUci Move -> string Get the UCI string such as g1f3 for a move
TopMove Brd -> Move -> pMove Get the pMove for a move for this board
ToSan Brd -> Move -> string Get the SAN string such as Nf3 for a move for this board


The following Game related functions are provided in the module Game:

Function Type Description
Start Game The starting Game with no moves
PushSAN string -> Game -> Game Make a SAN Move such as Nf3 for this Game and return the new Game
Pop Game -> Game Pops a move of the end for this Game and return the new Game
MoveStr MoveTextEntry -> string Gets a single move as a string given one of the list from Game.MoveText
NAGStr NAG -> string Gets a NAG as a string such as ?? given one from the list in Game.MoveText
NAGFromStr string -> NAG Gets a NAG from a string such as ??
NAGHtm NAG -> string Gets a NAG as HTML such as ?? given one from the list in Game.MoveText
NAGDesc NAG -> string Gets a NAG as a description such as Very Good given one of the list from Game.MoveText
NAGlist NAG list Gets a list of all NAGs supported
AddNag Game -> int list -> NAG -> Game Adds a Nag in the Game after the address provided
DeleteNag Game -> int list -> Game Deletes a Nag in the Game at the address provided
EditNag Game -> int list -> NAG -> Game Edits a Nag in the Game at the address provided
MovesStr MoveTextEntry list -> string Gets the moves text as a string given the Game.MoveText
GetaMoves Game -> Game Gets the aMoves for the Game
AddMv Game -> int list -> pMove -> Game * int list Adds a pMove to the Game given its address
AddRav Game -> int list -> pMove -> Game * int list Adds a RAV to the Game given the pMove is contains and its address
DeleteRav Game -> int list -> Game Deletes a RAV in the Game at the address provided
CommentBefore Game -> int list -> string -> Game Adds a comment to the Game before the address provided
CommentAfter Game -> int list -> string -> Game Adds a comment to the Game after the address provided
EditComment Game -> int list -> string -> Game Edits a comment to the Game at the address provided
DeleteComment Game -> int list -> Game Deletes a comment in the Game at the address provided


The following Stockfish related functions are provided in the module Stockfish:

Function Type Description
GetBestMove Brd * int -> float * string Get the scrore and best move for current Board to the specified depth