
F# chess tools including PGN

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Chess Types

Piece types

These are provided as an enumeration PieceType with these values:

Label Value
Pawn 1
Knight 2
Bishop 3
Rook 4
Queen 5
King 6


These are for each colour and are provided as an enumeration Piece with these values:

Label Value
WPawn 1
WKnight 2
WBishop 3
WRook 4
WQueen 5
WKing 6
BPawn 9
BKnight 10
BBishop 11
BRook 12
BQueen 13
BKing 14


These are for each colour and are provided as an enumeration Player with these values:

Label Value
White 0
Black 1

Game Result

These are provided as an enumeration GameResult with these values:

Label Value
Draw 0
WhiteWins 1
BlackWins -1
Open 9


These are aliased to a short, with values 0s to 7s for FileA to FileH. FILE_EMPTY is given a value 8s.

As an example, FileC equals 2s.

Also provided are:

FILES = [FileA; FileB; FileC; FileD; FileE; FileF; FileG; FileH]


FILE_NAMES = [“a”; “b”; “c”; “d”; “e”; “f”; “g”; “h”]


These are aliased to a short, with values 7s to 0s for Rank1 to Rank8. RANK_EMPTY is given a value 8s.

As an example, Rank3 equals 5s.

Also provided are:

RANKS = [Rank8; Rank7; Rank6; Rank5; Rank4; Rank3; Rank2; Rank1]


RANK_NAMES = [“8”; “7”; “6”; “5”; “4”; “3”; “2”; “1”]


These are aliased to a short, with values 0s to 63s for A8 to H1. OUTOFBOUNDS is given a value 64s.

As an example, A2 equals 48s.

Also provided are:

SQUARES = [A8; B8; … G1; H1]


SQUARE_NAMES = [“A8; “B8”; … “G1”; “H1”]

A utility function Sq is provided, defined as:

let Sq(f:File,r:Rank) :Square = r * 8s + f


These are three types of move supported. The main one is aliased to an int and encodes details of the move.

Castle Flags

These are a means of storing the castling writes for a board position. They are provided as an enumeration CstlFlgs with these values:

Label Value
WhiteShort 1
WhiteLong 2
BlackShort 4
BlackLong 8
All 15


This is used internally for efficent storage of squares and moves and calculations of possible moves. They are provided as an enumeration Bitboard of 64-bit unsigned integers.

Here are some sample values:

Label Value
A8 1UL
H1 9223372036854775808UL
FileA 72340172838076673UL
Rank4 1095216660480UL

Move Types

These are a means of storing the broad type of each move for a SAN move. They are provided as a simple discriminated union MoveType with these choices:

Numeric Annotation Glyphs

These are a means of storing comments on moves and positions with these values:

Label Value
Null 0
Good 1
Poor 2
Very Good 3
Speculative 4
Questionable 5
Even 10
Wslight 14
Bslight 15
Wmoderate 16
Bmoderate 17
Wdecisive 18

SAN Moves

These are a means of storing a move in SAN format such as Nxg6+. They are provided as a record type pMove with these fields:

Field Type Description
Mtype MoveType The broad type of the move
TargetSquare Square The square to which you move the piece
Piece PieceType option The piece moved, but it could be None
OriginFile File option The file moved from, but it could be None
OriginRank Rank option The rank moved from, but it could be None
PromotedPiece PieceType option The piece promoted to, but it could be None
IsCheck bool Does the move check the king?
IsDoubleCheck bool Does the move double check the king?
IsCheckMate bool Does the move mate the king?


These are a means of storing a position on board. They are provided as a record type Brd with these fields:

Field Type Description
PieceAt Piece list The pieces on each square
WtKingPos Square The square of the white king
BkKingPos Square The square of the black king
PieceTypes Bitboard list Keeps track of the piece types on the board
WtPrBds Bitboard Keeps track of the white pieces
BkPrBds Bitboard Keeps track of the black pieces
PieceLocationsAll Bitboard Keeps track of all pieces
Checkers Bitboard Keeps track of all pieces giving check
WhosTurn Player Holds the player whose turn it is
CastleRights CstlFlgs Holds the castling rights still available
EnPassant Square Holds the possible square to take e.p.
Fiftymove int Keeps track of moves for draw in 50
Fullmove int Keeps track of overall double moves

This also provides and Indexer so that you can get a piece on a square using code like:

let pc = board.[C3]

These are a means of storing a move with the associated board position. They are provided as a record type aMove with these fields:

Field Type Description
PreBrd Brd The position before the move
Mno int The move number
Isw bool Whether the move is by White
Mv Move The encoded move
PostBrd Brd The position after the move

Move Entries

These are a means of storing the various type of move entry in a game. They are provided as a complex discriminated union MoveTextEntry with these choices:

Choice Type Description
HalfMoveEntry int option * bool * pMove * aMove option The main option: optional move counter, whether a continuation, the SAN move and the board related move
CommentEntry string Holds a comment in a game
GameEndEntry GameResult Holds the result at the end of a game
NAGEntry NAG Holds a NAG entry such as ?? or += in a game
RAVEntry MoveTextEntry list Holds a RAV entry for variations in a game


These are a means of storing a game. They are provided as a record type Game with these fields:

Field Type Description
Event string The game was in this event
Site string The game was at this site
Year int option The game was played in this year but may be None
Month int option The game was played in this month but may be None
Day int option The game was played in this day but may be None
Round string The game was in this round
WhitePlayer string The game had this player as white
BlackPlayer string The game had this player as black
Result GameResult The game had this result
WhiteElo string The player as white had this Elo
BlackElo string The player as black had this Elo
BoardSetup Brd option The game optionally had this as a starting board
AdditionalInfo Map<string,string> The game had these as extra headers
MoveText MoveTextEntry list The game had these move entries


These are a means of storing statistics for a position. They are provided as a list of record types MvStats with these fields:

Field Type Description
Mvstr string The possible move in the postion in SAN format
Count int The number of games with this move
Pc float The percentage for this move relative to others
WhiteWins int The number of wins for White with this move
Draws int The number of draws with this move
BlackWins int The number of wins for Black with this move
Score float The percentage score with this move
DrawPc float The percentage of draws with this move

The collection of these stats for a position is held in the type BrdStats which is defined as follows:

Field Type Description
Mvstats MvStats list The stats for each possible move
TotCount int The total count of games
TotWhiteWins int The number of wins for White across all moves
TotDraws int The number of draws across all moves
TotBlackWins int The number of wins for Black across all moves
TotScore float The percentage score across all moves
TotDrawPc float The percentage of draws across all moves